Essendo con peperoni ho pensato che potevano essere gradevoli, sicuramente migliori dei burger di carne che tra l’altro a me non piacciono.
- burger di soia
- una padella
- olio extravergine d’oliva
- un pizzico di sale
- condimento a piacere
Super facili e veloci!
Facilità: 5 / 5
Gusto: 4 / 5
Tempo di preparazione: 7 min
Prezzo: 3-4€
Who said that vegans eat tasteless food?
Some days before new year’s eve I bought these vegan burgers, obviously made of soy, à la “provençale”.
Since they’re with bell pepper I thought that they could be delicious, better than meat burgers for sure – and I don’t even like them!
This is what you need to cook them:
- soy burgers
- frying pan
- olive oil
- salt
- whatever you want to add
Put the burgers on the pan with a drop of olive oil and let it cook for 5 min and they’re ready!
Super easy and quick!
I also tried it alone and it tasted good!
Easiness: 5 / 5
Taste: 4 / 5
Time: 7 min
Price: 3-4 €
Earine dice
wow! da provare!